Visit Us


Harbor Light Community Chapel is a place to know God, find freedom, discover your purpose, and make a lasting impact. We believe real growth happens in circles, not rows—so come connect with others in a warm, welcoming community. Our vibrant kids’ and youth programs bring fun, friendship, and solid biblical teaching every week.

When We Meet


9:00 & 10:45 am


6:30-8:00 pm

What To Expect

On Sunday

A typical service at Harbor Light lasts 75 minutes, with passionate worship and practical, biblical teaching. Friendly faces greet you, but it’s relaxed—grab coffee and donuts in the lobby, meet down-to-earth people, and enjoy safe, engaging kids and youth programs. Stick around to connect; community is always welcome here.

What To Expect

On Wednesay

Join us for Wednesday Night Live from 6:30 to 8:00 PM! Come early for an optional dinner at 5:30, then jump into classes for all ages. Adults can pick from options like Bible studies or life skills (e.g., Financial Peace University, Marriage, and Parenting). Middle and high school programs are also available. Click an image below to learn more.

How To Contact Us

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